审计专业硕士导师——孙周宝 Supervisor(Sun Zhoubao)


Mentor Profile - Sun Zhoubao

I. Basic Information

Last Degree: Doctor of Engineering

Post & Title: Lecturer

Research Fields: Data mining, big data auditing

Teaching Courses: Database Management and Application, Professional and Comprehensive Practice of Big Data and other courses

Office Address: No.103 Weiyu Building

E-mail: 270247@nau.edu.cn

Postal Address: No.86 West Yushan Road, Pukou District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province

Postal Code: 211815

II. Educational Background

September 2007 – August 2009   Hehai University   Master of Computer Science and Technology

September 2009 – December 2015   Hehai University   Doctor of Computer Application Technology

III. Working Experience

November 2016 – now   Nanjing Audit University

IV. Scientific Research Topic

1. Preside over Scientific Fund Project of Natural Audit Office: Research on Auditing Technology Based on Social Network under the Background of Big Data (2019KT38)

2. Preside over Natural Science Fund of Jiangsu colleges and universities: Research on Auditing Big Data Method Based on Knowledge Graph (17KJB520017)

3. Participate in General Project of National Natural Science Fund: Research on Orthogonal Sparse Graph Embedding Model and Algorithm for Large-scale and Multi-view Images (61876213)

4. Participate in Youth Project of National Natural Science Fund: Statistical Analysis of Regression Model with Jump in Complex Data (11701286)

5. Participate in Youth Project of National Natural Science Fund: Research on Time Extraction and Evolution Analysis Based on Presentation Learning (61802194)

V. Scientific Research Papers

1. Sun Zhoubao, Han Lixin,Wenliang Huanget.al. Recommender Systems based on Social Networks. Journal of Systems and Software. 2015 (99):109-119.

2. Zhoubao Sun, Xiaodong Zhang, Haoyuan Li, et.al. Recommender Systems Based on Tensor Decomposition. Computer Material and Continua. 2021, 66(1): 621-630.

3. Sun Zhoubao. An intelligent optimization strategy based on deep reinforcement learning for counting. Complex and Intelligent system. 2021.

4. Sun Zhoubao. Multi-Instance Multi-Label on Structural SVM with Latent. The 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security (ICAIS 2020), Hohhot, China, July 17-20, 2020.

VI. Awards

Excellent master paper advisor and special expert of Audit Bureau of Enshi













2007.09-2009.08 河海大学 计算机科学与技术  硕士

2009.09-2015.12 河海大学 计算机应用技术 博士  


2016.11-  南京审计大学




3.国家自然科学基金面上项目向大规模多视角图像的正交稀疏图嵌入模型与算法研究(61876213), 参与




1.Sun Zhoubao, Han Lixin, Wenliang Huang,et.al. Recommender Systems based on Social Networks. Journal of Systems and Software. 2015 (99):109-119.

2.Zhoubao Sun, Xiaodong Zhang, Haoyuan Li, et.al. Recommender Systems Based on Tensor Decomposition. Computer Material and Continua. 2021, 66(1): 621-630.

3.Sun Zhoubao. An intelligent optimization strategy based on deep reinforcement learning for counting. Complex and Intelligent system. 2021.

4.Sun Zhoubao. Multi-Instance Multi-Label on Structural SVM with Latent. The 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security (ICAIS 2020), Hohhot, China, July 17-20, 2020.

