
Nanjing Audit University Leave Request Process for International Students



In order to ensure the security of the international students, the leave request process is formulated. All the international students are required to abide by it.

1.申请方法 Application


If the international students of Nanjing Audit University want to leave Nanjing, they have to apply online with Nanjing Audit University leave request process. They can scan the QR code below with WeCom (APP name), fill in the information needed and submit. They can leave after the application is approved.


Before you apply, you need to get the screenshot of your communication with your supervisor about the leave request. Your communication should include the dates, destination and the reason at least. Besides, your supervisor’s approval should be clearly shown in text message (not voice message).

2.注意事项 Notes

a 本表适用于留学生请假去往南京以外的地方。学生请假前须事先与相关部门和相关教师做好学业方面的安排。

This form applies to situations in which the international students leave Nanjing for other places. They must contact relevant departments and teachers to make proper academic arrangements before making the requests.

b 请假须向留学生院教育管理科提出申请,由教育管理科给出初审意见后提交相关领导审核。如果提交的材料不符合要求,教育管理科将驳回该流程。

Management Office of International Students (MOIS) is in charge of accepting requests of leave. MOIS will carry out a preliminary examination of the requests, after which the relevant will give further approval. If the information submitted does not meet the requirements, the requests shall be denied and the international students will have to resubmit. 

c 1-3天(含周末)须经留学生院领导批准;请假4天(含周末)及以上须由留学生院领导审批后报南京审计大学留学生院分管校领导批准。

1-to-3-day leave (weekend included) should be approved by School of International Students (SIS); 4-or-more-day leave (weekend included) should be approved by President of NAU (Vice President in charge of SIS). 

d 任何出中国国境的请假(寒暑假除外)须由留学生院领导审批后报南京审计大学留学生院分管校领导批准;寒暑假期间出中国国境须留学生院领导审批。

Any exit of the Chinese territory (except in summer and winter holidays) should be approved by President of NAU (Vice President in charge of SIS); exit of the Chinese territory during the summer or winter holidays should be approved by SIS. 

e 留学生请假成功后,请接受邀请进入“离宁群”,留学生离宁期间须每日坚持安全问题零报告。

After the requests are finally approved, the international students will have to join the “Off Nanjing Group” on WeChat, and they are required to say “Hello” in the group every day and keep SIS informed that they are sound and safe.