【CGTN】Chinese Government Scholarship: International audit students appreciate study opportunity, hoping to bring experience back home


Dozens of international students at  Nanjing Audit University have received a letter from Chinese President  Xi Jinping. The students, mostly from developing countries, say they  were motivated by the president's response to a letter thanking him for  the opportunity to study in China. Huang Yue spoke to some of them. 

During  the summer vacation, the normally bustling campus of Nanjing Audit  University is quiet and serene. Unlike most of his classmates,  Theophilus Seeton decides to spend the break travelling in China instead  of going back home to Liberia in West Africa.

Working as an audit manager with the General Auditing Commission of Liberia, Theophilus came to study in Nanjing last autumn.

THEOPHILUS  SEETON, Liberian Student, Nanjing Audit University Every year, the  best person at our side is sent to Nanjing Audit University to study.  Normally, the course announcement is sent to our office. And then  there's an internal recruitment. And I took advantage of it. I applied  and I was fortunate to have been selected.

Theophilus  cannot stop raving about the beautiful campus. For him, it's not only  the environment, it's the professionalism of the university that makes  him cherish the experience of studying here.

THEOPHILUS  SEETON, Liberian Student, Nanjing Audit University Since my arrival,  I've had the best opportunity to study that I can imagine. The course  contents we have here is exceptional. Some of what I have been taught  over the past two semesters, I didn't have that knowledge. For example,  one of them is the audit of big data. Another one is what we call  real-time audit. I learned all these audits here and it has been very  rewarding.

HUANG YUE, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province In  2016, China's National Audit Office launched a program and established a  scholarship for international students, aiming to cultivate talent in  this sector, especially those from developing countries. And Nanjing  Audit University has since then been tasked to provide training to  students under the program.

The two-year program  also provides opportunities for the students to undertake fieldwork in  different regions across China – from well-developed cities to  underdeveloped rural areas.

Learning how auditing can  help in poverty alleviation, Theophilus and his fellow students  recently visited the county of Lankao in central Henan Province.

THEOPHILUS  SEETON, Liberian Student, Nanjing Audit University We saw how  beautiful the environment Lankao looks like, the economic condition of  these people, what they use, what they have in order to make their  economic condition better. We were really impressed about that. And we  also learned that this is not just Lankao alone. There are other areas  in China that the policy on poverty alleviation has been a success  story.

That was when Theophilus, together with 36  other international students in the program, decided to write a letter  to Chinese President Xi Jinping.

THEOPHILUS SEETON,  Liberian Student, Nanjing Audit University It was basically to tell the  president thank you. Because what we saw in Lankao was extraordinary.  We felt that it was a learning possibility for us that we can go back  home and advance those recommendations to audit.

SEABELO  TUMPANE, Botswana Student, Nanjing Audit University I was the one to  deliver the letter to auditor general (of China) and he gave it to the  president.

On July 4, President Xi replied to their  letter. He said he is happy that the students learned something through  the program, and he encouraged them to use the experience to learn about  China, and building stronger international ties.

THEOPHILUS  SEETON, Liberian Student, Nanjing Audit University We didn't expect a  response. We just want to say thanks. But then surprise surprise, we got  a response, which was very extraordinary, a very rare case for many of  us.

SEABELO TUMPANE, Botswana Student, Nanjing Audit  University We were so surprised that the president took his time to  read our letter, to respond to our letter. When he did, it's even less  than two weeks or three weeks. It's so quick.

DAWIT  FIKRU, Ethiopian Student, Nanjing Audit University I'm very honored to  hear from him. He's a head of state, and we are international students.  This shows his humbleness that he responded to our letter within a short  period of time.

A shortage of skilled personnel  is a challenge facing many developing countries. Through programs like  the one offered by the National Audit Office, China's Belt and Road  Initiative provides opportunities to help unskilled technical talent  from overseas.

It's also a part of China's efforts to  implement the Global Development Initiative which focuses on urgent  global issues such as poverty alleviation, environmental protection, and  economic development.

LI QIANWEN, Vice President,  Nanjing Audit University Most of the students enrolled in this program  are working in auditing agencies from countries participating in the  Belt and Road Initiative. We've already provided training to more than  280 people.

DONG BIRONG, President, Nanjing  Audit University After they graduate and return to their home  countries, they bring back China's audit theories and practice. So, this  is also a way to contribute Chinese solutions to the auditing systems  of countries around the world.

Theophilus is looking forward to sharing what he's learned in China with his colleagues in Liberia.

THEOPHILUS  SEETON, Liberian Student, Nanjing Audit University Couple of audit  experiences that I've had over the period to take back home to my  country. For example, there's an audit that I love so much. That doesn't  happen in our country. It's called economic accountability of leading  officials. It is the kind of widely done in China that makes the public  officials accountable for their decisions. Those kinds of audit are not  done in Africa and need to talk about in Liberia.

The  traditional Chinese proverb says if you give a man a fish, you feed him  for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for life. Many of  Theophilus's predecessors are already more influential role in their  countries after finishing the program at Nanjing Audit University. And  the young man is also anticipating promising future, not only for  himself, but also for his country.

Huang Yue, CGTN, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.
