1. 无私的领导力
2. 努力工作和可持续创新
The Study Tour of Henan Province has inspired and provided the long-awaited answers I gleaned from the actions of this great public servant Jiao Yulu. Such wonderful and mind-boggling experience has enabled strategic thinking to implement similar drive to my homeland, Liberia – a West African nation. These lessons learnt are (i. Selfless Leadership; (ii. Hard work and Sustainable Innovations (iii. Public Sector Management and influence and finally the primary drive to (iv. Alleviate Poverty for impactful decision making .
In the succeeding pages of this essay, you may delve your thoughts about the meaningful and experienced background, objectives, lessons learned, two simpler recommendations requested and my overall rating or opinion of the study tour.
The visit and study tour were a wonderful experience and mind-boggling strategy for one’s courage to foster similar drive to my homeland, Liberia .
Liberia , a country in West Africa has been ranked one of the poorest countries with the standard of living below 1 USD. This troubling narrative has compelled me to seek opportunities deserving to effect change especially with a country blessed with enormous natural resources and vast forests and lands capable of feeding its people.
The portraying effect of Jiao Yulu’s leadership despite consistent despair or challenges has enlightened my passion to continue the drive for poverty alleviation and public sector’s governance, accountability, and transparency.
Poverty Alleviation – Lankao City’s Experience :
A teary and resounding movie was filmed echoing the challenges the inhabitants faced in the city despite all efforts to provide better livelihoods amongst them . The sandstorms, floods and erosion were mountain challenges encountered by these great people for decades.
Jiao Yulu’s spirit , determination and great wisdom of leadership foster innovative ways to combat these challenges fearlessly and at great lengths . His persistence and resilience led residents to believe in his actions as he demonstrated selfless love and care for all .
This attribute of his courage inspired many to relive the odds and find innovative ways to curb these challenges .
The digging of the canals for irrigation , the planting of paulownia trees at the critical path modelled his love for his people . This innovation provided the solutions for a decade problem that engulfed these people .
The Paulownia Tree has also created revenue generation in the music industry that musical instruments such as flute, violin, guitars and all sorts of arts and crafts have been sold both locally and abroad .
It furthers provide other sustainable livelihoods for the people that the grounds are being used to plant sweet potatoes, peanuts and so forth that inhabitants of the land to cultivate .
The perseverance of Jiao Yulu’s action are embedded in the latter generations as more creativity or innovation continues to permeate the Chinese culture and philosophical thinking .
With the aforementioned , the peoples of this land have turned the once-ageing problems into captivating opportunities just as many faced around the world today.
Cardinal lessons are gleaned from this study tour to Lankao City , Henan Province :
1. Selfless Leadership :
Jiao Yulu’s desire to change the pervasive challenges of his people maintaining sleepless nights to find solutions has awakened me that everything in this world is possible once you nurture the heart of diligence, kindness and selflessness .
One can reexamine oneself and foster hopes and aspirations amongst his peoples I too, have observed that my people major problem is stark poverty . As learnt from the spirit of Yulu , I would study persistently and identify the problems facing my people from the once sweet land of liberty , Liberia who gained its independence centuries ago, the year 1847, July 26.
All my Term Papers from these several courses will aim at identifying the problems through research of all forms qualitatively and quantitatively so as to find sustained solutions that my generation, yet unborn will know that there lies a great public servant.
As Jiao Yulu , his story never told me that it will be easy !! Even he did not live to reap what he selfless led the people to combat . So my perseverance will not be easy but will be anchored on the hopes, the spirit that Jiao Yulu demonstrated – an answer that I have longed look for the last two decades.
In summary, leadership is about selfless contributions to humanity and the level of persistence and perseverance in driving positive or generational change ( Restoring human dignity by alleviating poverty).
2. Hard Work and Sustainable Innovation
Working hard day and night has been Jiao Yulu’s enabling philosophy to arrive at the deeper meanings for sustained solutions for the people of Henan Province. I felt his pains when in three successive times , he found solutions but yet those times were unanswered that he witnessed a great deal of residents migrating from the province of Henan. This broke his heart, but he withstood and began the fortitude with great resilience . Hard work and sustainable innovation are drivers for change yielding to an impactful world.
Ooh !! how are shared the tears of joy to see the people of Henan Province enjoying a great deal of livelihood and earnings – the aged , the youth and adult . On the other hand , I lingered in my thoughts back home for a change and an answer to my people .
Beyond words , I kept searching the books and mustered the courage to find the answers as I catalogue the problems in each sectors of my country- what would Jiao Yulu do???;
How will he approach these sectors to bring generational change such as alleviating poverty from the people and effectively managing the public purse.
3. Public Sector Management and Influence;
As auditors, we can go beyond and step into the world of courage cultivating selflessness, endurance, and persistence. Focusing our attention to Urban Modernization’s indices and Rural Vitalization Reawakening mirroring from China’s Road to recovery at every critical path in the nation’s rebuilding process from the late 1970’s .
Government by public policy makers always say “ the structure remains the same but what is changing is the ‘how’ we govern – governance”.
My quest for change is adopt an approach “ Reinventing Government” using for a model of what impacts my people and the generation to come . This path of reducing drastically corruption and making people accountable , equitable justice for all and above alleviating poverty .
4. Alleviate Poverty
My driving goal – a take away – when people’s livelihood is change for better , they think and make the right decisions . Poverty is an endemic disease that makes human race engulfed in untold sufferings cause by the wickedness of men in all spheres or the leadership failing to find plausible solutions . Today , I mount the courage to be an instrument of change and help solve my country’s challenges by firstly approaching the action to “ Alleviate Poverty” using the indicators that culminate to deriving this ultimate goal.
Overall Rating and Opinion
The entire study tour was excellent- the timing of events , accommodation, feeding , tours to Lankao city and other Henan locations such as the Yellow River, the ancestral visitation temple and sights together with great cultural displays.
Despite the great time , it is a memorable and impactful experience quenching our inner drives to do better despite the challenges.
With the resources of budget and time , the project was excellent . A big thank you to the planners and implementors of this great and unique project. It outmatched my expectations and provided me the tenacity to zealous and work tirelessly for generational change .