讲座信息 | 联合国审计概述 Lecture:Introduction of the Audit of the United Nations



Topic: Introduction of the Audit of the United Nations

Lecturer: Ms. ZHANG Wenjing, Deputy Director of the External Audit(China) to the United Nations Board of Auditors(UNBOA)

Time: Jan. 7, 19:30-21:00

Platform: Zoom, Meeting ID: 875 1438 4856, Passcode: 379099

Introduction of the Lecture:

The topic is “Introduction of the Audit of the United Nations”. The main purpose is the give an overall picture of the audit of the United Nations based on the experience of the China audit teams. The main contents include the Related Department/Entities and Functions of United Nations Secretariat, audit standards, audit procedures as well as the key audit findings. Finally, several cases identified in previous audit would be shared with the participants for consideration and discussion.




Introduction of the Lecturer:

Ms. ZHANG Wenjing is now working as the Deputy Director of the External Audit(China) to the United Nations Board of Auditors(UNBOA) on her duty station in New York. She holds the certificates of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountant(ACCA), Certified Internal Audit(CIA), Legal Professional Qualification of China, and is also the eLearning Specialist of INTOSAI. Before coming to New York, she has been working for the National Audit office of China(CNAO) for twelve years and has plenty of experience in Audit of Fixed Assets Investment, Audit Quality Control as well as Foreign-related Audit.