Lecture | How internal auditors be the promoter of the revolution in the age of subversion


Theme: How internal auditors be the promoter of the revolution in the age of subversion

Lecturer: Prof. Richard F. Chambers (former president and CEO of IIA, was conferred the title of NAU overseas “Honorary Dean”, and he became the first overseas “Honorary Dean” in NAU’s history)

Host:Ge Sheng, Associate Researcher, Director of Office of International Cooperation and Exchange

Time: May 9th, 20:00-21:00

Lecture Platform: Zoom app, link: https://zoom.us/j/92258579899?pwd=OXZ3STZtcWI4Uk5qUjFIK2hmcS9adz09  

(conference code: 922 5857 9899   password: 472750)