中国首届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛,于2017年5月14日至15日在北京举行,中国国家主席习近平出席高峰论坛开幕式,发表了题为《携手推进“一带一路”建设》的主旨演讲, 并主持了领导人圆桌峰会。此次高峰论坛是自2013年习近平总书记提出“一带一路”以来最高规格的论坛活动,对推动国际和地区合作具有重要意义。来自全球29个国家的元首和政府首脑,联合国秘书长、红十字国际委员会主席等国际组织负责人以及130多个国家的约1500名各界贵宾出席。我校国际文化交流学院2016级中国政府奖学金审计项目学员,来自斐济的高级审计官员NIUBALAVU ESALA TUTE(杜思聪)也荣幸地成为斐济政府代表团的一员参加了此次高峰论坛。
May 14 to 15, The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was held in Beijing and Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony and delivered his theme speech entitled Work Together to Build the Silk Road Economic Belt and The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and held the round-table talk with the state heads and government leaders from 29 nations. Nanjing Audit University MAud Program student, Mr. Niubalavu Esala, from Fiji, was honorably invited and participated the Belt and Road Forum as a member of Fiji Delegation.
5 June, 2017, 2017 Audit Seminar for SAIs along the Belt and Road Routes, sponsored by China National Audit Office and China Ministry of Commerce was held at Nanjing Audit University. In cooperation with this seminar, School of International Exchange organized a mini seminar entitled "Dating with 'Belt and Road' Initiative" among MAud students. The mini seminar was aimed at inviting Mr. Niubalavu Esala to share with his peers his experience at The Belt and Road Forum. In the meanwhile, the other 49 students expressed their understanding of Belt and Road Initiative and what they can do for this great Initiative for his own country.
In his lecture, Mr. Niubalavu Esala started by introducing the bilateral relation between Fiji and China and the various cooperation between two countries in government, diplomacy, economy and culture. Mr. Niubalavu Esala emphasized in his lecture, though an island country in the South Pacific, Fiji enjoys and plays a very important role in the Belt and Road Initiative, as well as acting as an important partner of the Belt and Road Initiative. The Belt and Road Initiative is significant to Fiji and other countries in the South Pacific region. Not only does Belt and Road Initiative mean infrastructure construction, but also the significant progress in economic development and cultural exchange.
分享会进行席间,刚刚出席完2017“一带一路”沿线国家审计官员研修班开幕式的中国审计署副审计长秦博勇女士特意前来看望本届奖学金项目学员,与来自35个国家的50名年轻审计官员一一握手问候,并发表了亲切的演讲,对学员们的学习生活表示关切,鼓励学员们在中国努力学习中国的政治经济制度,特别是政府审计的制度与方法, 同时也要好好学习汉语和中国文化。最后秦副审计长对学员们提出了三点殷切的希望: 一来希望学员们在南审学有所成;二来希望学员们在南审生活健康幸福;三来希望学员们在南审广交朋友,互相交流,共同携手支持中国政府“一带一路”的建设,为世界和平与发展做贡献。
During the seminar, Deputy Auditor General of China National Audit Office, Ms. Qin Boyong, who just finished delivering her lecture at 2017 Audit Seminar for SAIs along the Belt and Road Routes, came to see MAud Program students in person. Deputy Auditor General Ms. Qin was very delighted to meet the students and shook hands with every student. She expressed her sincere welcome to the students and encouraged the students to learn more about China. Deputy Auditor General Ms. Qin wishes all the MAud Program students, 1) to successfully complete their academic study at Nanjing Audit University, 2) to live healthily and happily in China, and 3) to make as many friends as possible in China and join hand in hand to build up the Belt and Road and to make contribution to the world peace and development.