School of Government Audit


The school of government audit was established in December 2015. Its predecessor can be traced back to the industrial audit department set up in 1987. The orientation of the school is to build an audit theory research base, cultivate multi-level high-quality audit professionals, and build an audit think tank to serve national governance and regional economic development.

At present, there are 83 teachers, including 22 professors (accounting for 26%), 22 associate professors (accounting for 26%), 5 doctoral supervisors. The School currently contains the Departments of Auditing, Government Auditing, Internal Auditing and Resource and Environmental Auditing. The School has one undergraduate major: auditing; three characteristic undergraduate directions: Auditing (IAEP), Auditing (internal auditing) and Auditing (big data auditing). It has the right to confer academic master's degree and master's degree in auditing. 


Find more in the website:  College profile (