南京审计大学国际学生公寓管理条例 Nanjing Audit University Apartment Regulations for International Students





第一条  为了加强我校国际学生公寓管理,保证国际学生在宿舍内的人身和财物安全,维护国际学生公寓正常的生活秩序,特制定本规定。

第二条  所有住国际学生公寓的学生必须遵守此规定。如有违反以下规定,国际文化交流学院将依据此规定做出相应处罚。

第三条  国际学生公寓指我校浦口校区澄园国际学生社区,寝室指国际学生所居住的具体房间。


第二章  住宿规定

第四条  凡在我校注册的国际学生均可申请入住国际学生公寓。国际学生凭本人的有效证件(护照、居留许可)和国际文化交流学院开具的入住证明,方可入住。

第五条  国际学生公寓的寝室为两人一间。学生如有特殊情况需要单独居住,须提出申请,报学院审批,并承担另一床位费用。自费生住宿费以学年为单位缴纳,若未在限定期限内缴纳住宿费,国际文化交流学院将有权责令其搬出国际学生公寓并缴纳所欠住宿费。国际学生若中途退房,住宿费退费标准为:学生如果在第一学期中办理退房的,退还其所交一学年住宿费的一半;在第二学期开学后要求办理退房的,住宿费不退。

第六条  学生应按指定房间和床位住宿,不得擅自调换房间或床位。学生在入住期间只可向学院申请换房一次。

第七条  严禁在寝室内留宿非本室人员。学校不提供国际学生夫妻住房或家属用房。

    第八条  入住学生有责任维护公寓安全,须妥善保管好个人财物,谨防火灾、盗窃及网络、电信等方式诈骗。

    第九条  国际学生公寓管理人员有权对学生进行日常管理。国际文化交流学院与公寓管理人员将定期检查学生寝室。对在公寓内行为不当者,学院将予以通报,并记入档案。


第三章  公寓内设施、物品管理

第十条  国际学生入住前,须和公寓管理员一起,依照《国际学生公寓物品配备清单》对房间内配备的物品进行验收,并签字确认。不提供床上用品,学生如需购买床上用品,请与宿舍管理站联系购买。

第十一条  公寓内和寝室内所有预装设施为学校的公共财产,如有损坏,由责任人自费修理或按原定型号、品牌更换。无法修复的由责任人照现价赔偿,如无法确定责任人,则由寝室成员共同支付。如自然损坏,无法使用,需持己坏物品到管理站更换。如遇宿舍调整或离校,所有公共财产经验收合格后方可办理相应离宿手续。

第十二条  国际学生公寓的公共厨房为公用区域,学生须注意消防安全,保持公共区域的整洁,并应妥善使用公用设施。


第四章  公寓、寝室内学生行为管理

    第十三条  学生须保持公寓、寝室安静。为确保所有入住学生能有安静的时间休息和学习,周日至周四22:30-6:30和周五及周六23:30-8:00为安静时间。所有学生不得在公寓开展可能影响其他人学习、休息的娱乐活动,供个人娱乐的音乐及影视声音音量需控制在自己房间内,以不影响他人。

第十四条  国际学生晚间回寝室时间须在23:00之前,学生应按时回自己所住寝室就寝。夜不归宿、节假日外出要履行请假手续,如因无请假手续夜不归宿而导致各种责任由学生自负。

第十五条  严禁在公寓、寝室内进行非法活动,以及书写和张贴危害中华人民共和国国家安全或扰乱校园教学、管理、生活秩序的标语、大小字报。

第十六条 严禁在公寓、寝室内收藏、观看、传播危害中华人民共和国国家安全或扰乱社会秩序的书刊、影碟、视频、网络信息。

第十七条  国际学生在我国境内进行宗教活动必须遵守《中华人民共和国境外外国人宗教活动的管理规定》。

第十八条  学生需保持寝室内卫生整洁,严禁在公寓内饲养各种宠物,墙壁上不乱贴乱画。

第十九条  公寓内严禁酗酒、赌博、吸毒。严禁学生擅自在公寓内进行商业活动。

第二十条  不得随意移动、破坏消防设施和器材,不得损坏公寓的安全监控设施,违反者要赔偿损失并接受保卫部门处理。

第二十一条 注意公寓、寝室内用电安全,室内无人时要切断电源,严禁私拉电源和使用电炉、电磁炉、电炒锅、热得快、电取暖器等大功率电器,如发现,公寓管理人员有权没收,并给予批评教育直至纪律处分,引发火灾或造成严重后果者,承担相应法律责任。

    第二十二条 严禁在公寓、寝室内使用明火(包括点蜡烛、酒精炉、煤油炉、炭火炉、抽香烟等)、焚烧纸张杂物。

第二十三条 学生在使用公共厨房时,必须注意安全,如因个人操作不当产生的财产损失和人员损伤,肇事学生需个人承担全部责任。使用完毕,学生有义务进行清理,以保持公共厨房整洁。


第五章  访客管理规定





Nanjing Audit University

Apartment Regulations for International Students


Chapter One  General Provisions

Article 1 In order to strengthen the management of the apartment of international students, ensure the safety of the lives and properties of international students in the apartment, and maintain the normal order of the apartment of international students, Nanjing Audit University Apartment Regulations for International Students is hereby formulated.

Article 2 All international students living in apartment shall abide by the regulations. Any violation can result in penalties by SIE in accordance with the regulations.

Article 3 The apartment of international students herein refers to the international student community in Chengyuan College House of Pukou Campus.


Chapter Two  Accommodation Rules

Article 4 International students registered in NAU can apply for living in the apartment of international students. They should present their valid certifications (passport or residence permit) and Residence Certificate issued by SIE for the checking-in formality.

Article 5 Two international students share one room. Those who expect to live alone shall file a written application to SIE for permission and will be required to cover the accommodation fee of the unoccupied bed only when there are rooms available. Self-financed international students are required to pay the accommodation fee of the whole academic year in a lump sum. Those who fail to pay the accommodation fee within the required dates will be denied the entry to the apartment of international students by SIE and will be required to pay the overdue accommodation fee. Those who need to check out halfway, the accommodation fee shall be refunded by the following standards: for those who check out within the first half of the academic year, half of the accommodation fee shall be refunded; for those who check out within the latter half of the academic year, the accommodation fee shall not be refunded.

Article 6 International students should live in the rooms (or beds) designated by NAU and they should not change their rooms (or beds) arbitrarily without permission. They can apply for room move only once after checking in.

Article 7International students should not accommodate others in their apartment rooms. NAU does not provide accommodations for their spouse or relatives.

Article 8 International students should ensure the security of the apartment. They should keep their personal belongings safe, and guard against fire, theft, online fraud and phone fraud.

Article 9 The superintendents of the apartment of international students are authorized to supervise the daily affairs of international students in the apartment. Routine inspection of the apartment of international students will be conducted by SIE and the superintendents of the apartment. SIE will circularize a reminder or warning and keep a record of indecent behaviours in the apartment.

Chapter Three  Public Property Management

Article 10 Before lodging, international students need to check the list of the items equipped in their rooms and sign on the list for confirmation. NAU does not provide bedding items. International students can purchase bedding items at the Apartment Affair Office or purchase their beddings on their own.

Article 11 Pre-installed facilities in the apartment and rooms are public properties of NAU. If any damage occurs, those who are responsible should repair it and replace it with a new one of the same brand and model. If any irreversible damage occurs, those who are responsible should compensate for it according to the current price of the damaged item. If it is impossible to locate the person who is responsible for the damage, the loss shall be compensated by those who share the room. If natural damage or malfunctioning occurs, they can bring the item to the Apartment Affair Office to change a new one. Before checking-out due to a room move or leaving school, the public properties in the apartment shall be examined.

Article 12 The self-catering rooms of the apartment of international students are shared places. International students are expected to guard against fire, keep the rooms clean and tidy, and use the public facilities properly.


Chapter Four  Codes of Apartment Conduct

Article 13 International students should keep quiet in the apartment area. To ensure a quiet environment for study and rest, international students are expected to produce no noise from 22:30 to 6:30 from Sunday to Thursday, and from 23:30 to 8:00 on Saturday and Sunday. They should not conduct activities which affect the study and rest of others in the apartment. Music or video for personal entertainment should be kept at a proper volume in their own apartment rooms. They should not disturb others.

Article 14International students should come back to their own apartments for rest before 23:00. They should not stay out all night or go out for holidays without asking for a leave. Violators to this shall hold themselves responsible.

Article 15 Illegal activities are strictly prohibited in the apartment. Slogans and posters that endanger the national security of People’s Republic of China and the teaching, management and normal order of NAU are strictly prohibited.

Article 16 Storage, watching and circulation of books, videos, and network information that endanger the national security and disrupt the normal social order of People’s Republic of China are strictly prohibited in the apartment.

Article 17Religious activities within the territory of China must be performed within the limits prescribed by Regulations on Religious Activities of Foreigners in People’s Republic of China.

Article 18International students shall keep their apartment rooms clean and tidy. They shall not scribble on walls, or keep pets in the apartment.

Article 19 Excessive drinking, gambling, and taking drugs are strictly prohibited in the apartment. Commercial activities without permission are strictly prohibited.

Article 20 International students should not move or destroy fire fighting equipments and safety monitoring facilities. Violators should compensate for the loss and are subject to penalties from the Security Office of NAU.

Article 21 International students should pay attention to the safety in utilizing electricity in the apartment. The last person to leave the apartment room should disconnect the power. Making private wires or using electric furnace, induction cooker, electric frying pan, electric heating stick, electric warmer and other high-power electric equipments is strictly prohibited. Superintendents are authorized to confiscate the electric facilities mentioned above and give the students critical education or disciplinary sanction (in a serious case) when international students are found using them in the apartment. Those who cause fires or other serious consequences shall undertake corresponding legal responsibilities.

Article 22 Open fire (from candles, alcohol stove, kerosene stove, coal brazier, cigarette, etc.) and burning paper are strictly prohibited.

Article 23 International students should pay attention to the safety when cooking in self-catering rooms. Those who operate the facilities inappropriately shall be responsible for property loss and casualties. They are obliged to clean the self-catering rooms after using them.


Chapter Five  Regulations for Visitors

Article 24 Visitors are required to bring forth their valid identifications and visit within the visiting time after taking a record at the reception area. Both sides of the visit shall strictly abide by the rules. Superintendents are authorized to interrogate disobedient visitors who skip the visiting formality and enter the apartment rooms without permission. They may also notify the school guard or public security organs under serious circumstances.

Article 25 The visiting time is 12:00-22:00 on weekdays, and 8:30-22:00 on weekends and public holidays. Outside the visiting time, the superintendents have the right to ask the guests to leave. International students are not allowed to meet guests during class hours.